Comprehensive & Innovative Advanced Search Engine for Android Apps and Games
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Some advanced features require payment
Search 2,700,000+ apps with data for 200+ countries
Advanced keyword search: Powerful, reliable, and easy to use
10+ filters and 8 sort options, exact result count shown
All essential data directly in the result list
Scalable screenshots & descriptions in the result list
User ratings for about 2.8 to 44 times more apps than on Google Play *
Easy to use, with integrated documentation
Flexible user interface, optimized for phones and tablets
Screenshot Screenshot
Get it on Google Play
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Free & without Ads
Some advanced features require payment
Search 2,700,000+ apps

with data for 200+ countries

Advanced keyword search

Powerful, reliable, easy to use

10+ filters and 8 sort options

Exact result count immediately

All essential data

directly in the result list

Scalable screenshots

and descriptions in the result list

User ratings

for about 2.8 to 44 times more apps than on Google Play *

Flexible user interface

optimized for phones and tablets


* In most larger countries, Google Play shows country-average ratings that are available for only a fraction of the apps for which world-average ratings are available
(for example, about 1/3 for the US, 1/7 for the UK, 1/28 for Ireland, and 1/44 for Laos).

App Finder shows world-average ratings for apps without country-average ratings, and has the option to use world-average ratings for filter and sort.

In countries where Google Play shows world-average ratings (e.g. China, Ethiopia, Finland), there is no difference between the ratings on Google Play and on App Finder.

See here here for more information.

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Android, Google Play, and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. Skyica is not affiliated with Google.

All data shown in App Finder is taken from the Google Play website. All rights belong to the app owners and/or Google. We do not guarantee the correctness of the data.

The apps shown in the screenshots are purely exemplary and shall not be interpreted as endorsement or affiliation with the app owners.