App Finder vs the Play Store Search

See here for a comparison of App Finder with other app search engines.

Play Store search App Finder (free) App Finder (paid)
Available apps Probably about 3,000,000 * About 2,750,000
Apps for which user ratings are shown in the US About 400,000 (country-average) ** 1,000,000+ (world-average) / 360,000+ (country-average) **
Countries / regions 200+ 200+
Keyword search
Require all words from the query to occur if quotes are used
Allow partial match , but also some apps that don't match the query at all may be returned using OR operators
Require exact word forms if quotes are used (planned)
Allow other word forms if quotes are not used , also inside phrases
Allow synonyms if quotes are not used (planned)
Phrase search , must match exactly , different word forms are allowed
OR operator , undocumented, evaluation is not clear , also inside phrases
Minus operator
Parentheses -
Require words in title / summary -
Keyword highlight in results -
User rating , 4 or 4.5 stars, country-average ** , 0.1-star steps, country-average / world-average **
Number of ratings -
Number of downloads - -
Current downloads per month - -
Free / Paid Paid only
Price range - -
In-app purchases - Without only
In-app price range - -
Without ads -
On sale Selected apps only
Play Pass Selected apps only
Category Selected apps only , with multi-select
Age rating - -
Date updated - -
Date released "New" only -
Download size - -
Required Android version Apps compatible with current device are shown -
Target API - -
Systematic sort (up and down)
Average user rating - , country-average / world-average
Number of ratings -
Number of downloads - -
Current downloads per month - -
Downloads per month increase (absolute / %) - -
Date released - -
Date updated - -
Download size - -
Data in result list
User rating , country-average ** , 2 decimals, country / world average ** , 2 decimals, country & world average **
Rating distribution (in details page) , high-resolution visualization
Number of ratings (in details page)
Number of downloads , inexact (in details page, 2 digits) , 2 digits
Current downloads per month - -
In-app price range (in details page)
With / Without ads (in details page)
Age rating (in details page) (in details page)
Date updated (in details page)
Date released (in details page) (in details page)
Download size - -
Required Android version (in details page) (in details page)
Target API - -
Summaries in result list -
Screenshots in result list after tap , scalable
Feature graphics for promoted apps
Reviews , on linked Play Store page
In different languages Google Play website only Link to Google Play website
Protection against malware , as apps are installed through the Play Store
Privacy See Google's policy No sign-in required, no personal data collected, no data shared with third parties
User Interface Limited adaption to screen size Customizable, adapts to screen size, 1-, 2-, or 3-pane layout
Optimized for tablets limited
Dark theme

* Google does not publish the number. It might be some 100,000 more. However, the apps missing in App Finder are mostly ones with very few installs and zero or very few ratings. Note that 42matters reports ~3,600,000 apps. Compare with AppBrain and AppAgg (both have ~2,500,000 apps).

** In most larger countries, Google Play shows country-average ratings that are available for only a fraction of the apps for which world-average ratings are available (for example, about 1/3 for the US, 1/7 for the UK, 1/28 for Ireland, and 1/44 for Laos).

App Finder shows world-average ratings for apps without country-average ratings, and has the option to use world-average ratings for filter and sort.

In countries where Google Play shows world-average ratings (e.g. China, Ethiopia, Finland), there is no difference between the ratings on Google Play and on App Finder. See here here for more information.

The paid features are available at just $1 per week / $2 per month / $12 per year / $40 for ever!

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All data shown in App Finder is taken from the Google Play website. All rights belong to the app owners and/or Google. We do not guarantee the correctness of the data.